Offshore funds and investments
The current Irish taxation regime for certain foreign investments, usually referred to as offshore funds, is considered labyrinthine by many tax advisors. In the event that a taxpayer fails to disclose or fails to correctly disclose details of income and/ or gains from offshore investments, Revenue could impose severe penalties.
Since May 2017, it may no longer possible for taxpayers to make a qualifying disclosure to Revenue in respect of foreign income / gains (including in the event of an honest mistake). It is vital therefore that any investor acquiring, holding or disposing of offshore investments seeks timely tax advice. Our services include:
The review of investment documents including investment prospecti, fund factsheets and other documentation.
Interpretation of investments to determine whether an investment qualifies as an offshore fund or otherwise.
Determining whether an investment qualifies for ‘good offshore fund’ or a ‘bad offshore fund’ treatment.
Ensuring Revenue reporting requirements are met.
The pre-acquisition structuring of foreign assets to support tax efficient wealth accumulation.